Best Medicated Serums For Glowing Face in Pakistan

Achieving a radiant, glowing complexion is a top priority for many skincare enthusiasts in Pakistan. With the growing popularity of medicated serums, it’s now easier than ever to address specific skin concerns with potent, dermatologist-approved formulations. These serums are packed with active ingredients designed to target issues such as dullness, pigmentation, acne, and aging, delivering visible results quickly. In this guide, we explore the best medicated serums available in Pakistan, helping you find the perfect solution for your skin type and concerns. Whether you’re dealing with stubborn dark spots, uneven skin tone, or just looking to enhance your natural glow, these top-rated serums are your key to healthier, more luminous skin.

Top Medicated Serum Packages

Medicated serums have revolutionized skincare by offering potent, dermatologist-approved solutions to a variety of skin concerns. These specialized formulations are packed with active ingredients that address issues such as acne, pigmentation, aging, and dullness with precision and efficacy. Ideal for those seeking targeted treatment, medicated serums deliver noticeable results, making them a staple in modern skincare routines. Whether you’re aiming to brighten your complexion, reduce the appearance of dark spots, or achieve a more even skin tone, medicated serums provide powerful, effective care to help you achieve your skin goals.

Medicated serum price in Pakistan starts from 499 PKR to 6000 PKR depending upon the product type and brand. More sophisticated serums with targeted results are little bit higher on price. Following are best combination for the people looking to achieve bright face skin with medium cost solution. Gluta products gives your face true glow.

Best Medicated Serum For Face in Pakistan

Importance of Skin Care and Role of Serums

The perfect medicated serum for your face can be a game-changer in your skincare routine, especially in Pakistan where diverse skin concerns demand targeted solutions. Medicated serums, enriched with potent active ingredients, offer effective treatments for issues like acne, pigmentation, and aging. Following section delves into the best medicated serums available in Pakistan, complete with their prices, to help you make an informed choice. Whether you’re looking to brighten your complexion, reduce dark spots, or achieve a youthful glow, these top-rated serums provide powerful, dermatologist-approved care tailored to your needs.

Medicated Serum and Glowing Face Relation

choosing the right serum

Medicated serums have become essential in achieving a glowing face due to their potent formulations and targeted action. These serums are packed with active ingredients such as Vitamin C, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid, which are known for their skin-brightening and rejuvenating properties. Unlike regular moisturizers or creams, medicated serums are designed to penetrate deeper into the skin, delivering high concentrations of these active ingredients directly to the problem areas. This deep penetration allows for more effective treatment of specific skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and dullness, ultimately leading to a more radiant and glowing complexion.

The relationship between medicated serums and a glowing face is further strengthened by their ability to address multiple skin issues simultaneously. For instance, a serum containing Vitamin C can brighten the skin while also providing antioxidant protection, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and improving overall skin texture. Similarly, serums with niacinamide not only help in reducing discoloration but also enhance the skin’s barrier function, leading to healthier and more resilient skin. By consistently incorporating medicated serums into your skincare routine, you can effectively combat the factors that contribute to a lackluster complexion, unveiling a brighter, more youthful glow.

Medicated Serum Types

Retinol Serum for Face
Retinol serums are a powerhouse in skincare, widely acclaimed for their ability to accelerate cell turnover and stimulate collagen production. These serums are particularly effective for reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation. By promoting new skin cell growth, retinol serums help to reveal a smoother, more even complexion. They are ideal for those looking to diminish signs of aging and improve overall skin texture.

Acne Treatment Serum
Acne treatment serums are specifically formulated to target and treat breakouts, clogged pores, and inflammation. These serums often contain ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and tea tree oil, which work to unclog pores, reduce bacteria, and calm irritated skin. Regular use of an acne treatment serum can lead to clearer, healthier skin, making it an essential part of the skincare routine for individuals prone to acne.

Anti-Aging Serum
Anti-aging serums are designed to combat the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. These serums typically contain a blend of powerful antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin, boost collagen production, and protect against environmental damage. By incorporating an anti-aging serum into your daily regimen, you can achieve a more youthful and radiant complexion over time.

Wrinkles Treatment Serum
Wrinkles treatment serums are formulated to specifically address the deeper lines and creases that develop as we age. These serums often include ingredients like retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid, which help to plump the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance firmness. Consistent use of a wrinkles treatment serum can significantly reduce the appearance of stubborn wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful and refreshed look.

Fine Lines Serum for Face and Skin
Fine lines serums target the early signs of aging, such as subtle lines around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. These serums are enriched with ingredients like Vitamin C, retinol, and niacinamide to boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. By focusing on fine lines, these serums help to prevent the progression of aging signs, ensuring that your skin remains smooth and youthful.

Age Control Serum
Age control serums are comprehensive solutions for maintaining youthful skin and preventing premature aging. These serums combine various active ingredients like antioxidants, peptides, and retinol to address multiple aging concerns simultaneously. Age control serums not only reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles but also enhance skin texture, tone, and hydration, providing a holistic approach to anti-aging skincare.

By understanding the specific benefits and uses of these different types of medicated serums, you can select the one that best suits your skin needs and goals, ensuring optimal results and a glowing, healthy complexion.

Price of Medicated Serums in Pakistan

Discover the range of Gluta White and Gluta One medicated serums available in Pakistan, designed to address various skin concerns from aging to pigmentation. Below are the detailed prices for each serum:

ProductOriginal Price (PKR)Current Price (PKR)
Gluta White Hyaluronic Serum for Anti Aging – 30 ML2,4991,999
Gluta White Hyaluronic Serum for Age Control2,4991,999
Gluta One Vitamin C Serum – 30 ML2,1991,799
Gluta One Niacinamide Serum – 30 ML2,4991,999
Gluta One Hyaluronic Serum for Face – 30 ML2,4991,999
Gluta One Retinol Serum for Face – 30 ML2,4991,999
Gluta One Anti Pigmentation Serum for Face and Skin2,4992,199
Gluta White Vitamin C Serum – 30 ML2,1991,999
Gluta White Retinol Serum for Face – 30 ML2,1991,999
Gluta White Niacinamide Face Serum2,1991,999
Gluta White Collagen Serum for Wrinkles and Aging Skin2,1991,999
Gluta One Skin Brightening Serum – 30 ML2,4992,199
Gluta White Anti Pigmentation Serum2,4991,999
Gluta White Whitening Serum2,1991,999
Gluta One Face Serum in Pakistan2,4992,199

These medicated serums offer targeted solutions for various skin issues, from anti-aging and pigmentation to hydration and brightening. Each product is now available at a discounted price, making it an ideal time to upgrade your skincare routine.

How to Use Medicated Serum for a Beauty Routine

Incorporating a medicated serum into your beauty routine can significantly enhance your skin’s health and appearance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively using medicated serums:

Step 1: Cleanse Your Face

Begin with a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, and makeup from your skin. This ensures that your skin is clean and ready to absorb the serum. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Step 2: Tone Your Skin

Apply a toner to balance your skin’s pH levels and remove any remaining impurities. This step prepares your skin for better absorption of the serum.

Step 3: Apply the Medicated Serum

  • Dispense the Serum: Take a few drops of the medicated serum onto your fingertips.
  • Application: Gently pat the serum onto your face and neck. Focus on areas with specific concerns, such as dark spots, fine lines, or acne.
  • Massage: Use upward, circular motions to massage the serum into your skin. This helps with better absorption and improves blood circulation.

Step 4: Allow the Serum to Absorb

Wait for a few minutes to let the serum fully absorb into your skin. This ensures that the active ingredients penetrate deeply and start working effectively.

Step 5: Moisturize

Follow up with a suitable moisturizer to lock in the serum’s benefits and keep your skin hydrated. Choose a moisturizer that complements the serum and suits your skin type.

Step 6: Sunscreen Protection (Morning Routine)

If you’re using the serum in the morning, finish with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen is crucial, especially if your serum contains active ingredients like retinol or vitamin C, which can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Additional Tips for Effectiveness

  • Consistency is Key: Use the serum consistently, as directed, to see the best results.
  • Follow Instructions: Always follow the instructions provided with the serum. Some serums are best used once a day, while others may be used twice.
  • Patch Test: Before applying the serum to your entire face, do a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Layering: If using multiple serums, apply the one with the lightest consistency first. Wait a few minutes between each application to ensure proper absorption.

By following these steps, you can effectively incorporate a medicated serum into your beauty routine, addressing specific skin concerns and enhancing your skin’s overall health and appearance.


Incorporating a medicated serum into your beauty routine can significantly elevate your skincare regimen, offering targeted solutions for various skin concerns such as discoloration, uneven skin tone, dark spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and anti-pigmentation. By choosing the right serum and following a consistent application process, you can achieve noticeable improvements in your skin’s health and appearance. Remember to use the serum as directed, and pair it with complementary skincare products like moisturizers and sunscreens for optimal results. With dedication and the right products, a radiant and glowing complexion is within your reach.


1. What is a medicated serum?
A medicated serum is a skincare product formulated with active ingredients to address specific skin concerns such as acne, aging, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone. These serums penetrate deeper into the skin to deliver potent treatments directly to problem areas.

2. How often should I use a medicated serum?
The frequency of use depends on the specific serum and your skin type. Generally, serums can be used once or twice daily. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided with the serum and start with a lower frequency if you have sensitive skin.

3. Can I use multiple serums in my skincare routine?
Yes, you can layer multiple serums, but it’s crucial to apply them in the correct order. Start with the lightest, water-based serums and follow with thicker, oil-based ones. Allow each serum to absorb fully before applying the next one.

4. How long does it take to see results from a medicated serum?
Results can vary depending on the serum’s active ingredients and your skin condition. Generally, you may start to see noticeable improvements in 4 to 6 weeks with consistent use. Some ingredients, like vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, may show quicker results.

5. Are medicated serums suitable for all skin types?
Most medicated serums are formulated to be effective for various skin types, but some may be more suitable for specific concerns. For example, a serum for acne treatment might be better for oily skin, while a hydrating serum is ideal for dry skin. Always choose a serum that matches your skin type and concerns.

6. Can I use a medicated serum with other skincare products?
Yes, medicated serums can be used with other skincare products like cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and sunscreens. Ensure that the products complement each other and do not cause irritation. For best results, follow a consistent skincare routine and consult with a dermatologist if needed.

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