
Skin Elasticity Collagen Serum with Whitening Cream

Original price was: PKR  4,499.Current price is: PKR  3,999.

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Gluta White Collagen Serum

  • Packaging: New design
  • Quantity: Increased to 30ml

Gluta White Night Cream

  •  Purpose: Skin whitening
  • Weight: 50gm

Skin Elasticity Collagen Serum with Whitening Cream

Enhancing Skin Firmness with Collagen Serums

Collagen serums are renowned for their ability to enhance skin elasticity and reduce the visible signs of aging. These serums are formulated with hydrolyzed collagen and peptides, which penetrate the skin to stimulate collagen production and improve skin structure.

By boosting the skin’s natural collagen levels, these serums help to minimize wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in firmer, more youthful-looking skin. Additionally, ingredients like hyaluronic acid are often included to ensure deep hydration, which further enhances the skin’s plumpness and resilience.

Gluta white Collagen serum with Night Cream

The Dual Action of Whitening Creams

Whitening creams serve a dual purpose in skincare by not only brightening the complexion but also supporting the benefits of collagen serums. These creams typically contain active ingredients such as vitamin C, niacinamide, and alpha arbutin. They are effective in reducing dark spots and evening out skin tone.

Vitamin C is particularly notable for its antioxidant properties, which protect the skin from free radical damage while promoting a radiant glow. Niacinamide helps to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and redness, ensuring a balanced skin tone. The combination of these brightening agents with moisturizing ingredients helps to maintain skin hydration and enhances the overall appearance.

Integrating Collagen Serums and Whitening Creams into Your Routine

For optimal results, incorporating both skin elasticity collagen serums and whitening creams into your skincare regimen is essential. Start with a gentle cleanser to remove any impurities, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate more effectively. Apply the collagen serum first, focusing on areas prone to wrinkles and sagging. Follow this with the whitening cream to ensure a comprehensive approach to both firmness and brightness. Regular application, along with daily sun protection, will help maintain the benefits and protect the skin from further damage. Consistent use over time will result in improved skin elasticity, reduced signs of aging, and a more even, luminous complexion.

If you want to buy individual products, you can explore each from the following:


Combining skin elasticity collagen serums with whitening creams offers a holistic approach to skincare, targeting both firmness and complexion. The synergy of collagen-boosting and brightening ingredients addresses multiple skin concerns, leading to a more youthful and radiant appearance. By integrating these products into a daily routine and maintaining sun protection, users can achieve lasting improvements in skin elasticity and tone, enhancing overall skin health and beauty.


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