
Anti Aging Retinol Serum with Whitening Night Cream

Original price was: PKR  4,499.Current price is: PKR  3,999.

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Gluta White Retinol Serum

  • Packaging: New design
  • Quantity: Increased to 30ml

Gluta White Night Cream

  •  Purpose: Skin whitening
  • Weight: 50gm

The Power of Anti-Aging Retinol Serums

Anti-aging retinol serums are essential for reducing the visible signs of aging and promoting a youthful complexion. Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, is celebrated for its ability to accelerate cell turnover. It stimulate collagen production, and enhance skin texture.

Regular use of retinol can significantly diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Additionally, retinol helps to unclog pores. It also improve skin elasticity, making it a cornerstone in anti-aging skincare routines. The inclusion of hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid in some formulations ensures that the skin remains plump and moisturized, mitigating potential dryness or irritation caused by retinol.

Anti Aging Retinol Serum with Night Cream

The Benefits of Whitening Night Creams

Whitening night creams are designed to work in harmony with anti-aging serums by targeting hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone while you sleep. Key ingredients often include vitamin C, niacinamide, and alpha arbutin. Vitamin C is known for its potent antioxidant properties and its ability to brighten the skin by reducing the production of melanin.

Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is effective in fading dark spots and improving skin clarity, while alpha arbutin inhibits melanin synthesis, reducing pigmentation. These creams often contain nourishing and hydrating components to support skin repair and renewal overnight, ensuring that the skin wakes up looking more even-toned and radiant.

Integrating Anti-Aging Retinol Serums and Whitening Night Creams into Your Routine

To maximize the benefits of both anti-aging retinol serums and whitening night creams, it’s essential to follow a consistent and carefully structured skincare routine. Begin with a gentle cleanser to remove impurities and prepare your skin for better absorption of the active ingredients. Apply the retinol serum first, focusing on areas with fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

Allow the serum to fully absorb into the skin before applying the whitening night cream. This cream will not only enhance the brightening effects but also provide hydration and support the skin’s overnight repair processes.

Ensure to use sunscreen during the day, as retinol can increase skin sensitivity to UV rays. Consistent use of these products will lead to a reduction in signs of aging and a more luminous, even complexion.

If you want to buy individual products, you can explore each from the following:


Combining anti-aging retinol serums with whitening night creams offers a comprehensive approach to addressing multiple skin concerns. The powerful anti-aging properties of retinol, paired with the brightening effects of the whitening night cream. This combination work synergistically to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation. By integrating these products into a consistent nightly routine and maintaining proper sun protection during the day, users can achieve significant improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall radiance, enhancing their skin’s health and appearance.


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